Asset Folio Invited To Speak About The Benefits of Investing in Marbella In Saudi Arabia

by Thomas Harper

Dear Friends and Partners,

We are pleased to invite you to a Seminar that will be held in Riyadh, Wednesday, October 14, 2015 at the Sheraton Riyadh Hotel (9:00 - 13:00), to promote investments in Spain.

We will be honoured with the presence of the Spanish Ambassador as well as the Chairman of the Saudi Spanish Business Council.

The Seminar will have speakers like BANCO SANTANDER, EL CONSULTOR and ASSET FOLIO that will explain and offer business and real estate opportunities in Spain; IMAR and R.S. AL RASHID HOLDING will share their experience with their investments in Spain while CUATRECASAS GONÇALVES PEREIRA will address the main legal & tax when investing in our country.

We hope this Seminar is of interest for you and we look forward to hearing from you with your confirmation to attend.

RSVP: or +966 503 920 929

Kind Regards,

Asset Folio S.L.

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