Investors Returning to Spanish Residential Property
“The combination of low prices and the sharp decline in returns from other financial assets is creating a market context in which the only way to get returns higher than inflation is investing in riskier assets like variable income securities or the real estate sector,” the bank reports.
This will “contribute to accelerating demand for housing in the next few years,” the bank concludes in the overall positive outlook.
“The Spanish property sector is starting a change of trend towards a period of recovery,” says Bankinter, one of Spain’s banks that was not nationalised in the wake of the real estate crisis. The downward trend will continue into the second half of 2014, but in 2015 the market “will witness the first signs of recovery”.
“Foreign investment in real estate is accelerating and the upward pressure that is starting to be seen in the price of real estate assets like hotels, offices, and commercial centers will make itself felt on the quality residential market in the coming quarters,” says Bankinter.
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