Time To Get Serious With Your Push Bike In Marbella...........

by Thomas Harper

When someone thinks about Marbella, immediately many words come to one’s mind: luxury, glamour, sailing, good weather and gastronomy. But in  few months the´diamond of the Costa del Sol´ will add a new word to the recipe of success: cycling on EuroVelo 8 – Mediterranean Route.

Only a few days ago, ´la Vuelta a España´ cycling tour passed by Marbella following a significant section of EuroVelo 8. In the framework of this event, the new city council announced a few key measures to improve cycling and cycling tourism in this sunny and warm city in the south of Spain.

After a successful campaign of the local cyclists´ association´ByCivic´ member of ConBici and ECF, the famous marble promenade of Marbella that was forbidden for cyclists, will become a shared space for cyclists and pedestrians.

“Marbella ByCivic has been working on cycling advocacy for the last few years because we understand cycling as a tool to transform Marbella into a better, healthier, more sustainable and safer place to live and visit. Cycling is key to improve life conditions in Marbella and also for offering new opportunities in the tourism and services sectors with the creation of new businesses and jobs” JuanCris Ortiz, Member of Marbella ByCivic explained.

The Marbella mobility delegate announced that a new cycle route will connect the two most populated areas of the municipality: Marbella and San Pedro. Also, a new cycle route will cross one of the the most famous and luxury ports of the Mediterranean Coast: Puerto Banús, where Kings, the top of the international business people and thousands of tourists gather to enjoy the Mediterranean Sea.

    • If all this was not enough, the city council announced that Marbella will join to the´Cycling Plan of Andalusia´. Promoted by the regional government, this plan includes the construction of 55km segregated cycle paths in Marbella, as well as the development of EuroVelo along the region.

“Marbella City Council aims to promote a new mobility scheme promoting and prioritising cycling, walking and the use of the public transport over the use of the car as a daily means of transportation” Miguel Diaz Becerra, Member of Marbella City Coucil, responsible of Mobility said.

Marbella is making big efforts to reach the level of cycling of the rest of Europe as some Spanish cities that are implementing successful policies. We celebrate these steps and aim for other city councils on the Mediterranean Coasts to follow these good examples: Cannes, Marbella, Balearic Islands… Cycling is following the sun.

ref eurovelo

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